- Six Rapida sheetfed offset presses at three locations in production
- Second long special press
- High level of satisfaction with automation and productivity

At the drupa, TCPL Packaging, one of the largest packaging printing companies in India, ordered three Rapida 106 presses from KBA-Sheetfed. One of them already started its journey to the TCPL Silvassa plant in autumn 2016. The second started production in the Guwahati plant at the end of August. This is a special press with six inking units, coating tower, two intermediate drying units, each with a further inking unit and coating tower, and a three-fold delivery extension. It has a UV function, pile logistics and has been set 450 mm higher for packaging production.
Now a total of six Rapida 106 high-performance presses are in operation at TCPL – two at each of the locations Haridwar, Silvassa and Guwahati. A seventh and thus the third from the drupa package is expected to arrive shortly.

Complex configurations
The new Rapida 106 is already the company's second with a very special configuration. In Haridwar, a long Rapida 106 with eight inking units, coating tower and extended delivery, as well as a cold foil module, has been in production for two years. It has additional packages for printing cardboard and foils, is equipped for UV/mixed operation and, among other things, is automated with pile logistics, a non-stop automatic function and FAPC plate changing.
The six Rapida 106 presses at TCPL have a total of 50 printing and finishing units, including seven coating towers for conventional and UV production, a corona unit and many further details for high-quality inline finishing. They were all installed between 2012 and 2017. With this very modern and automated pool of presses, TCPL produces economically and offers top quality.

High level of customer satisfaction
The most recent installations show that the management of TCPL is very satisfied with the automation and productivity of the Rapida presses as well as the service provided by the KBA sales partner Indo Polygraph Machinery. For medium-format sheetfed offset presses, TCPL invested exclusively in Rapida technology in the last few years.
The company was only established in 1990, and today employs a workforce of 1,200 employees. It has all of the standard certifications for quality management and the production of food packaging. In addition, TCPL produces a whole range of other packaging – through to cigarettes and premium packaging. Many of the products of TCPL have won international awards.